Sean 2025 Website


Here’s what I’m looking for: deeper thought. When you are ready to explore your story and bring your gift to others, then work with me. Start with a 15-minute discovery call to see how well we both listen and how committed we are to making 2025 your epic year. 

I’m a life storyteller and guide for sensitive, bright, creative adults, just like you—ones that have it within them to make their big dreams a reality but need the support to find their path to their destination. I help professionals past 45 back up their goals and legacy projects with meaningful action and clear communication.

There are many reasons to contact me including:

You are a professional (current or retired) and good at communication. You know or suspect you were born with a gifted mind. You are curious about insights and life lessons from others with similar values and experiences.

Some days you look at yourself and wonder “Why haven’t I achieved what I thought I would?” Success feels elusive, even though you’ve worked hard, invested in self-help, and followed every strategy out there.

Your business models shifted from traditional to online. You feel excited and exhausted by change. Until now you took on much personal development—reading books, attending workshops, and hiring coaches. Overwhelm is increasing. You are still talking trash to yourself, such as “What am I missing? Why can’t I turn these decades of experience into gold?”

You are brilliant and see that more information, more courses, and spinning your wheels on tactics or templates that worked for someone else are not working for you. You want transformation now and I mean in a matter of weeks, not years. Your time and patience are almost gone. 

You know that storytelling is the way to make an impact; yet, you haven’t done a great job of storytelling. Instead, you write articles or instructions and that’s not your story. The only way you’ll connect with the people who are a match with your gifts and abilities after age 45 is through storytelling.

You are ready for extraordinary success. Your age and deep experience tell you that action is the activator. It’s not about doing more. It’s about doing the right things in the right order. That’s where a mentor with experience can guide you through the process of letting go of what’s not serving you any longer and putting your own storytelling system to work. 

I answer all email and text messages within the week. Many days I’m on nature walks—away from screens.

Complete this tiny form if you want a 1:1 phone call with me and your golden moment to finally have someone listen to you as you brain-dump everything on your mind.

There’s nothing you can buy when we talk. I only promise you’ll feel happier moving past your procrastination and blowing out the doubts that are making a dusty mess in your brain.


Your name

Your Email

Your Organization

Your Phone Number

What is your first question? This is your golden moment. Fire away. 

Please don’t be put off by the form… I respond very quickly.


Beyond this first-step call, you might head to the community page to learn more about yourself and the starting points for conversations. If you want to know what I think, feel, or discovered recently, or to add your comments, subscribe to the GPC Substack newsletter. Go to the now page to see priorities. 
