Did you know there are more than 100,000 professional associations and industry organizations, just in America? Did you know that many of them have international offices, serving 30 or more countries?
Did you know that every credentialing business and industry organization says they are unique, and so we appear to have a hundred different programs for a hundred different groups? It’s not that complex.
What we do for all of them is this:
We help them identify, attract and keep customers, members, alliance partners.
We help them get clear about their story and their value, from total picture to individual conversations and emails.
Certification customer creation with clear, direct communications.
Certification is a business that has to attract customers on terms entirely different from an association membership appeal or selling boxed products. More than 80% of certification program owners have a “build it and they will come” approach which ends up flat in the world of finding, attracting and pleasing customers. What good is any business without customers? If you want more customers or need to see your current customers more often for service, click here to Contact Us.
Starting or revitalizing credentials programs with highest visibility.
Credentials programs come in many shapes and sizes, whether our clients call it certification, accreditation, registry boards, license or work force assessments. This is a rapidly growing and evolving business with no book, no Google search, no one place where association executives, certification commissioners or training enterprises can go to find the handbook or master plan template to build or rebuild standards, credentials and validation processes.
Most who search actively for all of that find The Communicators and that’s a great day for us both. If you want to see what it is like to work with us to create the road map for your certification or standards-based credentials programs, click here to Contact Us.
Your strategic plans of action turned into tangible results.
There’s a good reason that the word meeting rhymes with beating.
Did you know that more than 70% of strategic plans never implement? Did you know that strategic planning today uses 10 specific tools designed to harness the power of collaborative networks.
Our greatest value, perhaps, is in building a bridge between your strategic thinking and the communications and marketing that connect your purpose to the people you must reach. Then you must influence them in order to realize the lofty goals in the long-range plan. Action plans that we build with our clients have teeth. They contain projects that address the organization’s specific needs and options for reaching goals. They have names and deadlines attached to each action, and adequate resources to implement them.
A marketing system that is simple, affordable and effective.
Marketing is getting people who have a specific need or problem to know, like and trust you. It’s a simple concept that works every time, when done according to the system and strategy that fits your business.
The confusion, wasted time and frustration of spending money to make very little in return happens when your business confuses promotion tactics with marketing. What if there was a way to make marketing easy-almost automatic? There is and it starts with coaching that helps you understand what drives your business-customers.
Without customers, do you have a business? Nearly everyone who contacts us has the same “communication problem” and it is unhappiness with their ability to attract and keep customers. We provide the strategy, the system for pulling all marketing thoughts and needs together and the coaching to make sure our clients absolutely succeed at marketing.
What about our value to you?
If you are a client, how do we demonstrate what we did was worth the time, fees and involvement of your people? For starters, we bring our experience of working with thousands of executives and board members over the past four decades to your assignment. This can save you time and money, if you don’t have to start at ground zero. Frequently, we enter the picture when the organization discovers they are on the 10th step of a 200-step journey.
We’ve experienced just about every problem and opportunity that organizations face.
Everything from deep debt to growing so fast the programs get ahead of resources and fail to deliver what the organization promised. That’s why we concentrate on separating the symptoms from the real problem, then coming up with the best possible solutions.
Solutions need “buy in” so they can work.
We can assist clients in communicating their vision and best ideas to their boards and customers and build consensus for the implementation of the solutions.
We work hard at understanding our client’s needs.
Long before CRM was a hot topic, total quality and customer communication was the way we thought you had to work to maintain credibility. Indeed, we provide the highest quality service possible in counseling, planning, research, marketing, communications and evaluation. We work even harder at making ourselves as valuable to our clients as they are to us.
And, we take great care to earn the trust each client places in us.
How We Help Achieve Growth and Stature
Niche consulting services:
- Leadership meeting facilitation
- Board of directors reboots and reformations
- New certification programs creation and incubation
- Recertification business growth
- Micro-credentialing program creation and communications
- Test development company match ups and audits
- Customer retention and engagement
- Certification program work flow improvement
- Accreditation program work flow improvement
- Workforce initiatives and collaborations
- Industry-education program development and launch
- Marketing, communications and branding
- Candidate management system architect
- Continuing education initiatives
- Training provider CE approval programs