Gifted Professionals and Communicators Journal

November 27, 2023

If You Stop Procrastinating, Would You Need Goals?

Why do we love to talk about goals and plans, but struggle a great deal with shutting off the distractions and actually doing the work? Planning is overrated. Planning can be a hindrance to reaching goals. Have you noticed? The bigger the goal, the more elaborate your research and resource gathering to […]
October 4, 2023

If Walking Makes Us Feel So Great, Why Not Do More?

The power and benefits of walking become more intense when it becomes dangerous to go outside. Because most of our solo walks happen within several feet of our front door or within a few miles from where we park the car, it’s often with the elements of nature. That includes trails, grass, […]
April 12, 2023

The Swan of Everyday Genius

Who are the Everyday Geniuses, the multitude of swans domesticated for a duck’s life? They wear no ID tags, so we can’t spot them by appearance or by even asking. Few of them know the markers of their core identity. Even so, they are all around us. As Mary-Elaine Jacobsen writes in […]
May 1, 2022

Discovering These Untold Truths Are More Valuable Than 100 Self-Help Courses

Here’s how professional writers go faster, deeper, and rethink everything.  Where do the best writers go to learn from each other and discover truths and techniques which keep dialing up their writing productivity, quality, and reputation?  That’s where I want to go and immerse in more productive, more prolific writing.  Before there was the […]
April 30, 2022

Superpowers of Gifted Professionals Are Hidden in Plain Sight

What seems clear and obvious to Jerry Allan might seem to others complex, multidimensional, and surreal, like stepping into a video game.  This could be a huge problem in connecting and understanding others, leading to a life of isolation and overcompensating to fit in, if not for the superpower of design thinking. […]
April 4, 2022

Did You Notice? There’s An Everyday Genius Among Us.

Some gifted professionals have highly specialized talents. Others, possess broad-ranging potentialities, drawing from a pool of abilities to excel in all sorts of things. As Mary-Elaine Jacobsen writes in her book, The Gifted Adult, “A handful become millionaire entertainers, eminent physicians, Pulitzer and Nobel prize winners. Many more are firefighters, librarians, kindergarten […]