Gifted Professionals and Communicators Journal

September 25, 2020

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) Can Cost You $500,000

Conventional Wisdom and Better Questions What would happen if you never went to another professional convention? What happens when we choose to eliminate professional conventions from our career paths and networking habits? Do we become boring, lose relevance, and become self-absorbed? Does our Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) push us into bad […]
August 10, 2020

You Get To Choose Your Customers

Marketing Built for Others Never Works for Certification Creators Have you noticed? The marketing advice, courses and templates created for product businesses and consumer service providers don’t work in credentials enterprises.  Many a creator of a certification, accreditation or standards program discover through money and time they will never get back, that […]
August 5, 2020

The Value of Your Credential is in Storytelling

When credentialing owners say their biggest problem is “people don’t understand the value of our certification” they send a signal they struggle to bring their story to life. They struggle to humanize their story. What is your highest intent or motivation—that thing beyond profit? What is the excitement and satisfaction your audience […]
July 17, 2020

Invisible Until Now–Professionals You Trust

When we talk with our doctor or go to a hospital, we trust that everyone touching us has specialized knowledge and will do the right thing.   Every day we rely on thousands of possible tests that laboratory scientists created to diagnose conditions and diseases—each requiring just a drop of blood, a […]
May 30, 2020

Tracks and Traction on Your Better Chart–The Ultimate Guide for Recharting Your Business Path (Step 5)

Last installment in 5-part series on Rediscovering Your Business Model Tracks and Traction on Your Better Chart What have you learned, discovered and felt since the day you stepped into this five-week sprint in April to rechart your business path?  Did you feel confident, yet curious, about the guidance offered?  Did you […]
March 26, 2020

Only Two Communication Skills Needed to Engage Anyone

When I signed on for a life of professional communication,  awesome responsibility and joy came with it.   You get to find a community or type of business you can serve very well because of your skills, experiences and fit with their needs. Professionals and the industries they run are my community.  Normally, […]