Gifted Professionals and Communicators Journal

August 17, 2020

New Thinking on Networking Creates Success You Want

Because there is more said than done in the name of networking, let’s try some new thinking. Let’s come at this from communication and humanity mindset, instead of sales.  If you do one thing today that will change your life and career, form a different relationship with the whole of networking.     […]
August 10, 2020

You Get To Choose Your Customers

Marketing Built for Others Never Works for Certification Creators Have you noticed? The marketing advice, courses and templates created for product businesses and consumer service providers don’t work in credentials enterprises.  Many a creator of a certification, accreditation or standards program discover through money and time they will never get back, that […]
August 5, 2020

The Value of Your Credential is in Storytelling

When credentialing owners say their biggest problem is “people don’t understand the value of our certification” they send a signal they struggle to bring their story to life. They struggle to humanize their story. What is your highest intent or motivation—that thing beyond profit? What is the excitement and satisfaction your audience […]
July 29, 2020

Proven Ways to Achieve Calmness and Unstoppable Energy

Every day we have the option to see everything as a threat or opportunity.  We have this choice all of the time.  It’s more obvious now.   It’s all we can see and feel. Today the mail from Ryan Holiday, bestselling author of Stillness Is The Key and other books about culture, the […]
July 23, 2020

10 Lessons Learned, So Far, In My Gap Year After 60

For more than 60 years, summer time has been my favorite time.  Days are long, playtime is abundant, and the colors and smells of nature are intense.  I take off and celebrate my birthday for three days because it’s always been that way, even before I went to kindergarten.  Fourth of July […]
July 17, 2020

Invisible Until Now–Professionals You Trust

When we talk with our doctor or go to a hospital, we trust that everyone touching us has specialized knowledge and will do the right thing.   Every day we rely on thousands of possible tests that laboratory scientists created to diagnose conditions and diseases—each requiring just a drop of blood, a […]
July 10, 2020

Greatest Hits of This Week’s Virtual Conversations

Greatest Hits of This Week’s Virtual Conversations The most fascinating questions and juicy bits of useful insights come in the last 10 minutes of the web conference meeting.   The feelings come out and the questions that each has politely held back start boiling over.   This is the moment where many on the […]
July 5, 2020

Rx for Change Management Fever: Cool Off in A Public Fountain of Knowledge

Rx for Change Management Fever: Cool Off in A Public Fountain of Knowledge The frequency and intensity of business conversations dialed up to high in the past five months.  Nearly all are virtual, with conference calls and screen-sharing, face-featuring sessions occurring most often.  Emotions are high and so are demands for brilliant skills […]
July 2, 2020

Networking is the Skill That Pays the Bills

Networking is the Skill That Pays the Bills. Introvert or extrovert has nothing to do with it. Better questions will always provide more out of life than lazy questions. That hit me between the eyes as I participated in a Zoom session with 140 leaders of professions, industries, associations and standards creators.  […]