Gifted Professionals and Communicators Journal

February 22, 2024

It Started With Wolves

Curiosity, exploration, and relentless pursuit of excellence In the bustling world of communication, where noise often reigns supreme, there exists a quiet force, a subtle gifted professional and communicator who weaves intricate webs of understanding amid the chaos. Meet Terri Ellman, whose journey through the realms of curiosity, exploration, and relentless pursuit […]
October 4, 2023

If Walking Makes Us Feel So Great, Why Not Do More?

The power and benefits of walking become more intense when it becomes dangerous to go outside. Because most of our solo walks happen within several feet of our front door or within a few miles from where we park the car, it’s often with the elements of nature. That includes trails, grass, […]
March 3, 2022

There’s Something About Mary—The Intensity of Gifted Professionals

Who is the Everyday Genius™ among us who turned her complexities and multiple layers of professional endeavors into her own art and science of becoming?   Then she took that gift to a global network of communication professionals and business leaders who wanted to learn different thinking in order to become and transform—not […]
February 6, 2022

Do Other Gifted Professionals and Communicators Find You as Amazing as We Do?

Who is the Everyday Genius™ among us who looked past her own complexities and fears of “not fitting in” to see the greater need for real communication among gifted professionals and communicators? Meet Sia Papageorgiou.  Her red-hot career path to communication strategist for global companies and 2021-22 chair of the international certification […]
July 23, 2020

10 Lessons Learned, So Far, In My Gap Year After 60

For more than 60 years, summer time has been my favorite time.  Days are long, playtime is abundant, and the colors and smells of nature are intense.  I take off and celebrate my birthday for three days because it’s always been that way, even before I went to kindergarten.  Fourth of July […]